產品介紹 Products Summary
耐高溫防火保溫纖維紡織品 High Temperature Resistant Textiles
高強度隔熱硬板 High Strength Insulation Board
軟性鐵氟龍密封條 Expanded PTFE Packing
CBF-Duct撓性軟管 CBF-Duct® Flexible Hose
保溫隔熱套管 Insulation and Protection Tubing
耐高溫陶瓷膠 Cere®-Glue High Temperature Ceramic Adhesive
CBF-高強度PTFE薄膜板材 CBF®- High strength PTFE Film
多次重覆使用保溫布包 Removable/Reusable Insulation Jacket
SIB超低熱傳保溫保冷毯 SIB ®-Super Insulation Blanket for hot and cold
耐熱耐腐蝕車縫線 Heat Resistant Sewing Thread
非金屬膨脹接頭撓性接頭 Non-Metallic Flexible Joints
耐高溫密封墊片 High Temp. Gasket/Packing
耐火板, 纸, 棉毯 Insulation Board, Blanket, Paper
噪音控制材料 Noise Control Materials
TS-6伸縮接頭 TS-6® Flexible Joint
軟式電熱布包與溫控系統 KM-EL® Flexible Heating Jacket and Control System
Insulation and Protection Tubing Re-Sil® Red Silicone coated tubing(to 260°C) KM600 fiberglass braided sleeving(to 540°C) KM1000 silica fiber braided sleeving(to 1000°C, molten splash resistant)
Your Solution for Insulation Since 1989