Tadpole Gasket Tape are ideal packing materials designed for applications of high temperature, low furnace pressure, uneven flange surface, low bolting force, and frequently open-closed furnace doors. Made of high temperature resistant fiber (core and outer cover) and or stainless steel mesh (core), the Tadpole Gasket
Tape will offer you:
temperature resistant to 1100℃
maintainence of its resilience at high temperature
applications in clean room environment by design
high compressibility--ideal sealing at low tightening force
OAW: manufactured to order, Length: manufactured to order
芯材直徑-D(mm); 6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 30, 38
全寬 (Overall Width) OAW: to orde
長度(Length): to order
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